Android 12 has not been publicly launched yet, only the developer preview is available for only a handful of devices. This developer preview is most likely to contain certain features that won’t make it to the official release and a lot of bugs will be fixed till then.
You can Google and check if your device is applicable for the developer preview version, if it is available then you can follow the instructions provided then and there to install this latest release.
Otherwise, you can wait till Android 12 is officially launched after August 2021, after that it is most likely that certain developers would work on Custom ROMs based on Android 12, and then you can install it, by following the guide made available by the developer.
Till then, you can install Android 11 based ROMs by following these steps:
- Search for a Custom ROM developed for your Smartphone.
- Unlock your Bootloader if you've found the ROM.
- Flash a Custom Recovery like CWM or TWRP Recovery or Orangefox recovery.
- Place the ROM in SD Card and boot into the recovery mode.
- Flash the ROM after wiping the Cache.
- You can flash the Gapps as well unless you want a Degoogled phone.
And you're good to go with the latest version of Android on your smartphone.
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